PS5 Will PS5 be more available in 2022?

It depends if Sony can fix their manufacturing issues. Scalpers will back off when the manufacturing gets too high for them to corner the market.

Most recently during the beginning of the pandemic, they were scalping the Switch when they were hard to come by, especially the Animal Crossing model, and then when you could find several copies sitting on store shelves, you started seeing the prices on the second hand market plummet.

The same thing happened with the PS4, PS3, and the Wii.
The scalpers will definitely start to have issues selling their stock. It's already getting a bit easier to get your hands on stock now so should be sorted out in 2022
I think the PS5 availability or lack of availability depends on how many good games are available on the PS5, and how many buyers still want to buy a PS5 in 2022 after the hype of the PS5 being released.

A lot of people may of switch mainly tp playng games on PC, Xbox Series X, Switch, PS4, Xbox One, Retro consoles, and other game consoles because they were tired of waiting for a PS5 or they are having second thoughts about buying a PS5 because they feel it is not worth it to buy for $500 or more, or they rather play PC Games and other consoles.
I don't think I could pay more than $600 for any gaming console. Eventually I'm sure we will own the PS5 but we're in no rush. I think we are prioritizing building a dedicated theater room before investing in more equipment/gadgets.
Most likely not because there's still a chip shortage and none of this shortage business has gotten any better.
Do you think the PS5 will be more available this year? Or do you think the scalpers will finally back off?
The truth of the matter is that we can't really be sure what's going to happen because under normal circumstances, PS5 should have been available by now but we have got nothing.
I haven't seen any PS5's where I live. At least not yet so I don't know. It'll have to see if it gets better as the year progess'
I haven't seen any PS5's where I live. At least not yet so I don't know. It'll have to see if it gets better as the year progess'
I've heard they send a secure email to you on the off chance you have been wanting one like the Xbox Series X. Never anywhere out in the open.