Will reading on the internet be less popular like Reading books in a few years?


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I can see reading being less popular online like reading books offline in a few years because of Netflix, YouTube, online gaming, and other more visual, and non-text based content taking away more of people's time because video, online gaming, movies, and pictures are more visual stimulating and entertaining to more people.
I doubt it, every time I click on videos people are complaining about not getting a article to read.
Which video site is this? I never seen a comment on Youtube on not having a video description or article.
No, because reading on the internet is one of the key activities that have made the internet popular to begin with. This is why some websites have the cojones to charge people a subscription fee for reading online articles. I think that as long as there are free news sites, online reading will always be popular, unless, of course, they all start charging, and if/when that happens, the resurgence of printed publications will commence.