Will small consoles like the PSP Vita TV, Wii Mini, Ouya, and Madcatz Mojo still exist in the future


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I think smaller sized consoles like the PSP Vita TV, Wii Mini, Ouya, Nvidia Shield and Madcatz Mojo will still exist in the future because of their cheaper prices of $90-199 which is more affordable for people who can't afford or don't want to spend $300-500 to spend on a bigger console like the PS4, and Xbox One, and their $60 games, $50-60 controllers, and more expensive DLC found on more popular consoles.

Mini consoles maybe less popular in the future, but would still be made to sell to gamers with less money who find big consoles like the Xbox One too expensive, but a console like the Ouya, PSP TV, and Wii Mini more affordabe since they cost between $80-100 with a controller, and most of the games cost $1-40, or free to play with micro-transactions.
pretty sure the Wii Mini is a filler console that will be forgotten about in the year or two. It's unknown about the PS tv and it's up in the air about the Oyua.
I see ads for the Wii Mini for $79 which is an affordable price. I think if Nintendo sells the Wii Mini for $50, a lot more people will buy it to play Wii games which they haven't played.

I bet Nintendo is also working on the Wii U mini, or smaller version of the Wii U to convince people who like small consoles to buy the Wii U. It probably won't be too hard to shrink down the Wii U to the size of the Wii Mini since the Wii U is about the same size as the Wii.
Yes, and I actually think that they will be even more common in the future. I suppose it depends on how you define "small console", if you're talking only about portable consoles, then it might be on a smaller scale than it is today, but as far as all consoles goes, in smaller formats... I think that will be the standard, in the future.

Why? Mostly because of the fact that technology is constnatly advancing into the better, and for some reason: we want our technology to be hidden, and to be as small as possible. It would not surprise me if tomorrow's consoles were as small as our phones, and all games were stored digitally. Of course, there would be physical copies aswell, for the people who desire to have physical copies, but I think most entertainment medias will go over to digitally distrubuting their media, and any physical copies made will be very expensive/limited edition/etc to appeal to collectors.

It wouldn't be surprising if they even combined everything. Every single console would be portable aswell as small, and they could be plugged into a huge TV to be used in the same way as a regular console is being used today. It wouldn't really be a problem to do such a thing, as long as it would support wireless controllers and all that. Of course, the technology isn't really there yet, but it might be, in the future.

Either way, I don't think portable consoles will die out. They're really handy for people who cannot afford them, or for people who simply want to play games on the go. Not to talk about the fact that there are quite a lot of Visual Novels that are mainly distributed on handheld devices... It's a bit of a bummer that they're released like that, but fortunately it's not the hardest task in the world to take them over to the PC.
I wish Nintendo would create a cheap 3DS TV console, so I can play some 3DS games on a TV, and controller which is my favorite way to play games.

I seen a video of a PC the size of a small box which could play first person shooter at higher resolutions. The Gigabyte Brix Pro is a small gaming PC which is compatible with Steam OS.


I think small Gaming PC will become more popular as they drop in price since everyone needs a PC for school, work, and other tasks, so you might as well buy a small Gaming PC if you have no need for a laptop which is generally pretty bad for playing games unless you spend close to $1000.
I would actually be one of those who would say that the price doesn't matter. I would scrimp and save for the latest bulky console if the games on it were said to be that good.

Before the revivial of hand-held consoles, I did not miss at all, let alone yearn to update, my Game Boy. I thought it was even good for me, to have to dedicate and schedule time that I would be gaming rather than carry it around to play when I probably shouldn't but really want to.

The draw was not that it was cheap and portable, it was that the themes of The World Ends With You filled a void in my heart left after completing Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3 and 4. It was the stories, and a little bit the people in my life who are fans of hand-helds and I'd like to have something to talk about with them that is entertaining for both of us.
At first thought I was going to say no right away, but then I thought yes because people are looking for smaller and more portable things ever day. The smaller it is the more likely they will buy it because they know it won't be too heavy and it won't be too much of a hassle to carry it around. so yea I think they will for sure still exist in the future.
Smaller consoles also maybe built-in to many devices like monitors, and TVs like how settop boxes like the Amazon Fire TV, Roku, and some newer TVs and monitors can use Apps, and let you install apps, and games through the internet with an App store.
Probably not, because none of those systems really have that title that makes it legendary. We had games like Halo on Xbox 360 and Uncharted on PS3, but I just can't see these consoles being capable of having games like that. They are simply not powerful enough. These consoles will probably be forgotten with time. They simply don't fill an unique and viable niche on the market. 
There's Halo Spartan: Assault for Windows Phone, and it is also available on Windows 8 and 8 RT. Porting Halo : Sparton Assault to other mobile platforms like mini consoles should be pretty easy now that most newer mini consoles have a Nvidia Tegra 4, 2 GB of RAM, 16GB of storage.


There is also Uncharted for the PSP Vita, and Vita TV. The Vita is almost like a mini game console for your pocket.


The Nvidia Shield recently announce Portal, and Half-Life 2 being available for it.


A lot of memorable games for Android consoles, Vita TV, and iOS like Riptide GP 2, Real Racing 3, Samurai 2 Vengence, Uncharted, Persona 4, The Bards tale, etc don't need to have the best graphics to be enjoyable because their gameplay, story, and music are great.

Some mini consoles like the Madcatz Mojo and Nvidia Shield can easily stream PC games to them, so you can use the mini consoles to play full pc games with a controller on your TV which is hooked up to a mini console.
