Will Sony do another handheld?


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I really do not think they will. The Vita and PSP seems to not have done very well in all accounts. I feel like they will stick to the main consoles completely after the seemingly bad sales of PS TV as well. 

Instead I feel that they will focus on making PlayStation now compatible with as much hardware as possible (maybe including tablets and phones on Android, iOS?) instead to earn money in the handheld market that way.
Vita is struggling pretty badly, PSP could never touch Nintendo's DS series.

So I think their console and handhelds will be one like Nintendo's Wii U set up.
I agree.  The PSP was fraught with piracy (though the homebrew emulation scene was awesome) and I think they fumbled with the Vita.  Aside from the atrocious cost of memory cards, a lot of the major IPs released for the Vita were cross-platform, which gave the vibe that the Vita versions were watered down to fit the (comparatively) weaker hardware.  

I think the biggest clue that Sony won't pursue another handheld system is that they're not making much of any effort to support the Vita, based on their past few presentations.
I think the handhelds sell much better in their homeland of Japan. So, I do think Sony will make a new handheld, but probably not for another 3-4 years down the road still. The handhelds have games that cater to otaku, such as old-school turn based rpgs, otome games, and visual novels. Which is the reason I'm going to be buying one. There's actually probably about 10-15 games already out, and another 5 or 6 coming before end of this year, that I want bad enough to shell out the cash for a Vita. I already own a PSP and love it dearly, although I do admit, my NDS gets more play time, simply because there's a lot more games for it.
Xenokitten said:
I think the handhelds sell much better in their homeland of Japan. So, I do think Sony will make a new handheld, but probably not for another 3-4 years down the road still.
Will handhelds still be popular in a few years? Technology is advancing really fast, so they will have to come up with some new, original features.
While the Nintendo DS outsold the PSP, it's important to note that the PSP still sold pretty well itself. (It managed 76 million units sold. That's not insignificant... and it's the strongest competition that Nintendo has ever really had for the handheld market.)

Now the Vita hasn't been doing so well and there are a number of reasons why... (over priced memory cards, high cost of the system, little advertising, lack of AAA games and dwindling support for physical releases.) But even through that the Vita has still sold 12 million units. (Which is still more than Nintendo's 8th gen home console.)

So I think Sony will likely create another handheld. But it won't be for at least another two years at earliest before we see it. (Since the Vita will be 5 in 2017.) Will they learn from their mistakes? Maybe. I mean they seemed pretty anxious to fix things when making the PS4. And have been listening to gamers on what they want to see there. So maybe they'll clue in when it comes to handhelds too.

I think handhelds are kind of outside the tech evolution race simply because when you buy one, you're buying it for those games it allows you to play. Not because it has an octacore processor or 2GB graphics card. Truth is that physical strength of the hardware matters little to gamers provided it allows them to play great games. Look at the SNES, it's hardware is relatively weak but it still had dozens of great games. (X series, Castlevania, Final Fantasy 6, Chrono Trigger, Mario RPG, Super Mario World, Link to the Past, and that's just for starters.) And so people bought it, and continue to buy those games through virtual console. 
I seem to be in the minority here, but I actually really love my Vita. Its one of my favorites, and I actually would have way preferred for Persona 5 to be coming out on it instead of PS4. But, even though I know technology is always changing & advancing, I find myself wishing it would slow down. I don't want Sony to do another handheld simply because I'm good with the one I've got & don't want to have to buy another new system when it comes out. I can't afford it at this point. 

alakazam said:
Will handhelds still be popular in a few years? Technology is advancing really fast, so they will have to come up with some new, original features.
I, for one, definitely hope so! I've always preferred handheld gaming over other forms. PC gaming is great and is my second favorite, but my laptop is a poor old thing that can't handle a lot of high-graphic games unless I put the quality down to pretty much nothing and make it look like crap. And while console gaming is okay, I have a nosey family that always wants to get in my business and watch what I'm doing. My wonderfully religious parents monitor what I do pretty closely and handhelds give me a degree of privacy that I don't have when what I'm playing is right there on the TV screen.

I find handheld gaming the most comfortable overall, too.
I'm always concerned that if they have a system that does the handheld take with you controller then the games will become poor quality like games on cellphones.
Do they have technical crazy awesome games for handhelds like dying light, gta5, and dragonage now?
I think sony should just make their next mobile one with the PS5, as in you pause the game on your PS5 and take up the mobile controller and go out of town with it while still playing the same game.
That's basically what they wanted to do with the Vita & PS4 but it fell short and requires you to be over the same wifi network.
Do they have technical crazy awesome games for handhelds like dying light, gta5, and dragonage now?

a few, but not enough to sustain.

That's basically what they wanted to do with the Vita & PS4 but it fell short and requires you to be over the same wifi network.

You do need wifi for anything anymore.
I think there is a chance that Sony's mobile department releasing a Google Android based handheld console like the Nvidia Shield handheld, JXD android consoles, and Wikipad to play Google Android games, and PS3, PS4 and PC games which are streamed to their handheld with Wifi.

I read online that Sony's mobile sales of Smartphones, and tablets are not selling great, so there is a possibility that Sony will make new mobile products like a Google Android handheld to get more buyers for their mobile products which run Android.

Picture of a Google Android JXD GamePad Gaming Handheld tablet
