Will there be a new PSP console?


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Or is the Vita their last one due to disappointing sales?

Personally, while I'm kind of hoping to see another system, I suspect Sony doesn't see the handheld market as particularly worthwhile in today's era of mobile games and what not.

But what do you think?
I highly doubt they would, even if they did I don't see strong sales for it. Sony has a strong Playstation line up for their console and should stick to their main guns. Though combining the PSP and console wouldn't be a bad idea.
i did get the first one because it had some pretty great games for it, it eventually got stolen and thats when i got me a DS, after that handheld gaming was fun.

I think sony should focus on Console gaming along with microsoft. they would probably combine their handheld with console if nintendo does it and it is a success.
I doubt that Sony will be going back to handhelds, there's just no reason to. It would just take too much time and effort that could be better spent strengthening the consoles for the rest of the PS4 lifecycle and then for whatever their next-gen is.