Will there be another Metroid?


Any of you remember Metroid Prime: Hunters? I put HUNDREDS of hours into that game...it was great, and was one of the best online DS games for some time. With the coming of the 3DS, does anyone want to see a sequel to this game, or at least some sort of 3D Metroid game on the new console? So long as it isn't like Other M, I'll be fine with whatever Nintendo comes up with.
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Any of you remember Metroid Prime: Hunters? I put HUNDREDS of hours into that game...it was great, and was one of the best online DS games for some time. With the coming of the 3DS, does anyone want to see a sequel to this game, or at least some sort of 3D Metroid game on the new console? So long as it isn't like Other M, I'll be fine with whatever Nintendo comes up with.

Nintendo could have made Other M awesome, yet it's just the few things here and there that made it difficult to play. Not only that, but the way it portrayed Samus made me feel the some of the developers didn't take it seriously or something.

Really, I've only played the console Metroids, so I don't know if I'll be buying one for the 3DS.
Any of you remember Metroid Prime: Hunters? I put HUNDREDS of hours into that game...it was great, and was one of the best online DS games for some time. With the coming of the 3DS, does anyone want to see a sequel to this game, or at least some sort of 3D Metroid game on the new console? So long as it isn't like Other M, I'll be fine with whatever Nintendo comes up with.

Nintendo could have made Other M awesome, yet it's just the few things here and there that made it difficult to play. Not only that, but the way it portrayed Samus made me feel that some of the developers didn't take it seriously or something.

Really, I've only played the console Metroids, so I don't know if I'll be buying one for the 3DS.
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I could honestly care less for another 3d Metroid. I want the 2d style back. Hell, even incorporate 3d themes like Pokemon and Castlevania has. I just want a good ole Sidescroller.
I could honestly care less for another 3d Metroid. I want the 2d style back. Hell, even incorporate 3d themes like Pokemon and Castlevania has. I just want a good ole Sidescroller.
Not to sound like I'm advertising or anything, but seeing as we've had New Super Mario Bros, Donkey Kong Country Returns and Kirby's Epic Yarn (which all be sidescrollers), the idea of a Metroid sidescroller that follows the same style (obviously add in something to separate it from the "pack" too) is a really good one. I'm not one for Metroid games, but I would be inclined to buy a 2.5D Metroid if it came out.
There will definitely be another Metroid game, and 99% likely to be one on the 3DS. But a 3D one is kinda unlikely, with Retro Studios being busy and Metroid Other M not selling well.
A sidescroller Metroid for the Wii sounds like it could be fun. If it comes out for the 3DS though, I would wait and see if it was good before buying it. (And still, I would probably wait 'til it would be on sale)

Here's to hoping it has good multiplayer, the other games I played were lacking in it. Except for Metroid Prime Hunters, it seems.
I think most likely there will be another Metroid. The previous games were swell and Hunters I also have spended hundreds of hours.