Will there be Many Nintendo Switch Clone/copy tablets with Windows & Android as Operating System?


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I think there maybe a lot of Android and Windows tablet which copy the Nintendo Switch sort of like how there are a lot of Android and Windows tablet which copied the PSP, and Nintendo DS.

But, if the Switch becomes less popular like the Wii U, there would be fewer clone tablets with Android and Windows installed on them.
Hrmmm, I think you have it backwards. Nintendo is copying tablets but just adding on a few additions like controllers.
Hrmmm, I think you have it backwards. Nintendo is copying tablets but just adding on a few additions like controllers.

You are right, Nintendo copied tablets. Nintendo maybe using a regular tablet design, and just installing their own custom operating system and software needed to play games sort of like how most Android tablets use a basic tablet design, and install Android along with some pre-install apps.

I think there would be a few tablet and PC accessory companies which copy the Switch's controller with clip-on controllers if this controller design becomes well liked.

Third-party Switch Clip-on tablet controllers may also work on PC, Android, and iOS by adding a Switch, PC, and mobile mode switch.