Will there ever be a day when people start trusting anime ratings just like movies?


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There are many people who trust most of the movie ratings we have in various websites.
Do you think it can be applied to anime as well?
I think anime ratting can be trusted like movie ratings if the reviewers are trustworthy, and good writers.
I tend to look at user comments, they spell out a clearer picture than a rating.
I think it would if more quality reviewers would gain recognition. Most of the ones I’ve seen were either comedic reviewers, or the serious ones being too try-hard with word salad reviews.
I think anime ratting can be trusted like movie ratings if the reviewers are trustworthy, and good writers.
Sometimes anime reviewers are a little biased.
Well, it's their own review to begin with and yet I believe they need to be unbiased most of the time.