Will treatment of workers at Rockstar stop you from picking up Red Dead Redemption 2?

Dan The Man

Well-Known Member
Full GL Member
If you already planned to purchase the game, I am wondering with the recent and past stories from Eurogamer and Kotaku about crunch at Rockstar and treatment of workers there, if you are still planning to purchase the game. I'm curious about the net effect of whether people believe or care about the conditions described in the articles (from reputable journalism sources) to the degree where they will no longer buy the game as planned.

If you are bothered by the working conditions but still plan to buy the game, I'm wondering if your experience playing the game will be negatively impacted (by cognitive dissonance or otherwise) by the knowledge of these working conditions.
I wasn't planning on buying this game to begin with because it's not the type of video game that I generally play anyway.

However, I am curious about the working conditions that you mentioned. What is that all about?
Far as I'm aware they worked some overtime. Though to be clear, there are very few places that turns out work that isn't all on the up and up.
Nah! I am picking it up in Dec. That issue is blown out anyway, any office worker knows that there is always crunch time at the end of a project or near the deadline. Its not like they are being kept under questionable conditions or anything.
So, they're mad about having to work over a little? I have to do that all the time. Especially, around Christmas time when we are so busy.
Already got the game and am loving it. It's obvious that games like this will require some overtime which I don't think is unfair as long as the employees aren't treated like slaves.