Will Windows always have a reputation as being a Newbie Operating System?


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I notice when I read Linux forum posts, and watch Linux related videos a large percentage of the Linux users seem to have this opinion that Windows is a Newbie Operating System. If you mention Windows on some of Linux forums, the members will probably post negative replies.

Are some of these Stereotypes I found online true for both groups of users?

Windows stereotypes for themselves.
•They are using a professional system with commercial support the world over.
•There is more hardware support for their operating system.
•If they have a problem then they only need to call one company for help.
•Only their system is Enterprise ready.
•Their operating system is easily configurable without having to go the command line.
•Windows is proof that capitalism works.

Windows stereotypes for Linux.
•They only use Linux because they don't have to pay for it.
•They are not average people and have to be computer hackers to want to use Linux.
•Linux people are unwashed rebels who have no social graces.
•Linux programmers are being ripped off and used by the end users.
•Linux people hate microsoft and only use Linux to rebel against a proper operating system.
•Linux people are communists.

Linux stereotypes for themselves.
•Linux is the best thing since sliced bread.
•It is so easy to use that Grandma can use it.
•It is Enterprise ready and can handle all business needs.
•They believe that software should be free for everyone to use and modify.
•Linux is more secure than windows and doesn't suffer from virus's and malware.
•They contribute to Linux because they want to.

Linux stereotypes for windows.
•Windows users are dumb and uneducated.
•They throw away money for a second rate operating system.
•Windows crashes every second day and has to be reloaded all of the time.
•Windows is not secure and full of viruses and malware.
•Windows users are obnoxious and spread FUD all the time.
•Microsoft only cares about making a profit.

Source:: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/locutus/linux-and-windows-stereotypes-35856

Do you think Windows has more newbie computer users compared to Linux, UNIX, BSD, etc?

I'm not sure, but I notice that I met more Windows users who admit they are Newbies on forums vs. Linux, and Unix users when I visit forums and video sites like Youtube. But, some of the stereotypes has some truth to it since MS is a very capitalistic company.

Plus, I notice more Windows users make fun of my voice or videos on Windows related videos on Youtube vs my Ubuntu Linux videos, so I stop making Youtube videos related to Windows since moderating comments written by YT members in their 15-20s like "you have a crappy voice" is not very fun and it is harder to get views for Windows video due to the competition by bigger Gurus. There are fewer Linux Gurus on YT.
without a doubt, with windows you don't have to do a thing to make it work. (it's already in the PC and has a easy wizard guide setup.) But I would like to see MS come out with a Windows pro or something like that which leaves the installing and usage completely up to the owner.
without a doubt, with windows you don't have to do a thing to make it work. (it's already in the PC and has a easy wizard guide setup.) But I would like to see MS come out with a Windows pro or something like that which leaves the installing and usage completely up to the owner.

Indeed, MS just needs to Bundle an antivirus like MS Security Essentials, so the user does not have to download and install an Antivirus like Avast or AVG program themselves if they don't want to uninstall MS SE to install AVG.

The wizards are great as long as you know how to read English you should be able to use the setup guide very easily. I just usually click "Next" and "finish" a lot in those wizards. Installing software is usually point and click as well which is great.

One of the Good things about Windows is if you put in a DVD or music cd usually Windows Media Player will be able to play it without problems compared to other Operating systems.