Will you be getting Windows 7?


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I get it when I buy a new computer because It is kind of expensive to buy 7 by itself. Plus, none of my computers are very fast, so I think it might lag if I put 7 on it. But, I'm still happy with using XP and Vista.
QUOTE (froggyboy604 @ October 20, 2009 03:56 pm) I get it when I buy a new computer because It is kind of expensive to buy 7 by itself. Plus, none of my computers are very fast, so I think it might lag if I put 7 on it. But, I'm still happy with using XP and Vista.
I recently bought a laptop so I get that Windows 7 upgrade.
Macs for the win?
In the near future for my family's desktop machine. I may to wait until the price drops before getting one. With 2.5 GB of RAM, it runs fast enough for now.

For my laptop, I'll just upgrade from Win2000 to XP, sadly because it doesn't qualify for a Win7 upgrade, but I can experiment and find out.
I have had the release for about a month now, its a signed copy, I just haven't installed yet. But I will be doing so in a dual boot.
I'm not sure yet. I want to see it on someone else's computer first, before I decide. I've just gotten use to having Vista (and even though I'm not a huge fan), I just don't really feel like changing at this point unless it's really worth it.
I think people who invested hundreds or thousands of dollars in games, software, computer hardware, Win XP tutorial books, and Win XP instructional video made for Windows XP will be kind of reluctant on upgrading to 7. XP is still a decent OS for Internet browsing, gaming, web design, office work, graphic design and a lot of other things.

Though, I read if your software and hardware runs well on Vista. It would work better in 7.
hey even though this has nothing to go with the question but, can't u get windows 7 like u do for mac where it's an icon on the desttop for windows XP??
QUOTE (sasuke000 @ October 28, 2009 05:52 pm) hey even though this has nothing to go with the question but, can't u get windows 7 like u do for mac where it's an icon on the desttop for windows XP??
I think you have to buy it on a CD, or download the CD image and burn it yourself.

If you are a US or UK college student I read you can get it for 30 bucks, or free at some stores.
QUOTE (sasuke000 @ October 28, 2009 05:52 pm) hey even though this has nothing to go with the question but, can't u get windows 7 like u do for mac where it's an icon on the desttop for windows XP??
I think you have to buy it on a CD, or download the CD image and burn it yourself.

If you are a US or UK college student I read you can get it for 30 bucks, or free at some colleges.
Windows 7 is like windows Xp and vista together which is a good combination.
My review of Windows 7 Home Premium


I upgraded to Windows 7 since I got 7 Upgrade for 39.99 with my Microsoft College Student discount all MS had to verify I was a student at a recognized college.

I was not planning to upgrade to Windows 7, but I got so fed up at MS Vista. I decided to just spend the 40 bucks and take a chance on a new OS that only been out for about a month. Best 40 bucks I ever spent on a piece of software! Plus, those Commercials on Spike TV convince me to upgrade to 7 since the features, and usability on 7 look so much better on people who use it on TV.

It was so simple to install. All I need to do is download the 7 installer, click the installer program, agree to MS Terms of service, pick upgrade, and wait for 7 to finish upgrading Vista to 7

Windows 7 is awesome. It now takes less then 50 seconds to start up Windows. I find 7 way more simple and enjoyable to use then Vista. All my programs I use on a daily basis with Vista work on Windows 7. 7 looks cleaner then Vista, and is a lot faster on my Computer which only has 1 GB of RAM. I no longer have to suffer from slow downs, crashes, and weird annoying bugs I have to deal with in Vista.

The Desktop preview feature on the startmenu bar is great.

Programs also seem to startup and run faster as well.

Windows 7 is everything that Windows Vista should of been from the beginning.

I notice multi-tasking is also better in Windows 7 as well.

I have

Avant Browser moded version of Internet explorer
Foobar 2000 audio player
Google Chrome
Microsoft Word 2007
Firefox 3
Gimp 2.6
Virtual box running Windows XP PRO SP3 inside a window
Screen hunter 5
Microsoft Security Essentials
Windows Aero theme

running on my PC with only a modest Intel Core2Dou 1.8 GHz, 1GB DDR2 RAM, 320 GB drive, and Intel onboard graphics.

If I was using Vista, my PC would of been very slow or frozen if I open so many programs.

If I knew 7 was this good, I would of made the switch on launch day!
A dual boot would be a bad Idea. I did a dual boot (windows xp and windows 7 ultimate) and regret it since I NEVER use Xp anymore.