Will you buy VR hardware this year?


GamingLatest Slave
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Full GL Member
Is VR something that is striking your interest? Is it something you will purchase in 2016? and if so, which hardware?

People in the gaming media seem to think this will take off in a big way and be mass market - I personally do not see it myself and would rather just play with a controller.
I definitely love the idea of VR, but I don't think there's been any game or software that really shows off VR that makes you want to be immersed for hours on end. Until that happens, I won't be buying VR.
I may get one of those cheap and lower quality VR Headsets which just comes with a box and lenses like Google Cardboard which uses a smartphone or smaller tablet like the iPod touch as a screen, and to run VR apps.

But, I won't get a VR headset like a Oculus, or HTC Vive headset because they are very expensive, and need a more expensive gaming PC which I currently can't afford.

If I suddenly got a lot of money somehow like winning the lottery, or got hired at a company where my salary is very good, I may get a VR headset and the computer needed for running VR smoothly.

I think most VR games still uses a physical controller for controlling games like shooters, racing, and fighting game, and you use the VR headset just to view the game, and move the camera angle of the game for first person games like first person shooters and racing games.
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Not this year and maybe never. I'm afraid of what it may do to my eyes.
Not this year and maybe never. I'm afraid of what it may do to my eyes.

I am also concerned about eye damage.

Plus, if the screen suddenly breaks, becomes very bright, or the screen and wires leak out electricity, it may cause eye problems, and cause electrocution and burns to the eyes and the face.