Will you ever host your own e-mail with your own domain and web hosting instead of free e-mail accou


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Yes, I would host my own e-mail if I were to run an online business, big website, or a website for an offline business because it looks more professional hosting my own e-mail with a custom domain name.

Plus, most web host provide e-mail services with your custom domain which you bought when you subscribe to web hosting with them.

Plus, I'm not sure I trust free e-mail services with storing very important e-mails because free e-mail services usually have no or very poor customer service compared to paid e-mail services where when you phone or e-mail for help there is someone to answer the phone.

I also consider hosting my own e-mail if the free e-mail services have poor privacy policy where the employees and company can read your e-mail to send you newsletter e-mail.
I already have one of my prime email addresses set to my domain name. :P Eventually I'm going to set up a portfolio website and make a professional email address with my domain name so I look super-cool.
I set up a e-mails with my own domain, but I rarely use them because I'm not a huge e-mail users, but If I were to use some of my domain names to sell stuff, advertising, or services like web hosting, I would more likely use my own domains since gmail, aol, yahoo, and hotmail e-mail accounts look less professionel these days then a unique domain name.