Will you get many more video views for your videos by uploading them to more websites?


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It is possible that you can get many more views for your videos by also uploading them to Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Dailymotion, Vimeo, and other sites which sometimes time limits for video length or file size limit like on Instagram where you can just post 1 minute videos or 140 seconds for Twitter video.

But, some online video sites maybe less active, and have fewer members looking for your category of videos, so you may not get any or many more views by posting your video to other online video sites.

It maybe a better use of a users time to post their video link to forums, blogs, and social networks like Reddit to get more views from people on sites which the video creator posted to.
Where you would get more views, your stats wouldn't be as clear as keeping the video in one place. Plus with it so much elsewhere, it could also be stolen as well by someone uploading it on their own channel.
Where you would get more views, your stats wouldn't be as clear as keeping the video in one place. Plus with it so much elsewhere, it could also be stolen as well by someone uploading it on their own channel.

Using Excel and other Spreadsheet programs for adding the views for each video site can make tracking all your views easier. I think there are sites which let you easily track your views on each site in real-time.

Some sites let users share videos, and give a link back to the original poster of the video, so it is encouraged to re-share people's videos as a way to promote good videos.

Video theft is a problem if you use the video to make money from ads, and ad links in the description. But, if you just want people to know about your good skills like being able to do magic tricks, new invention like a cool laptop case, or your business like your bakery, people re-uploading your video to their personal channel can help you out as long as they don't remove your website's domain name, business phone number, business address, and your username profiles for sites like Facebook and Twitter.

I think people who make videos about warning people about the danger of the end of Net Neutrality would probably want as many people to view the video as possible, and want viewers to re-upload the video just in case the government shutdown their video channel.

If you are a less popular singer, actor, comedian, and other type entertainer, having people re-upload your video can be a good way to get noticed as long as they don't edit out your name and website and social networking screen names.

Having more views on more popular video profiles with more subscriber can make less popular entertainers become popular. If the entertainer be popular enough they may increase their chance to be on a popular Reality TV talent show like America's got Talent, American Idol, Dancing with the Stars, and other similar shows who may pick more popular people to be contestants with a lot of online fame on their reality show.