I’ve never been one to keep up with something just to be trendy, especially if it’s something I don’t care about. I’m sure everyone has something (including not anime related) that’s popular that you don’t care about or like.
There’s also times where hopping into something because of the hype train can also boost your expectations higher than it’s probably going to provide. In a way it could backfire and boost your negative reaction more if you ended up not liking it.
If it was a normal type of popular and you didn’t like it, you’d normally just shrug it off, but with a hype train and the constant in your face of it being called the greatest ever, you can end up not liking it even more. Especially if those same people are annoying about you not liking it. It’s what boosts the hate train over really popular stuff, and years later those same people will go “actually... it wasn’t that bad”