Windows 10 installations surpass Windows XP


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It’s become something of a mantra that Microsoft wants to get a billion machines running Windows 10 as soon as they can, and we’re looking forward to the day when we can use something other than “200+ million” as the current metric. A new chart from Statista, which is based on NetMarketShare data, is showing that Windows 10 continues to make progress toward both objectives and is now used on more PC’s than Windows XP.

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Most likely, a lot of people are upgrading to Windows 10, and some people may have been force to install 10 for free if they had "automatic update" turned on in Windows 7 or 8.1 which is causing Windows 10 to having more users than XP.

I bet, a lot of Windows XP PCs are most likely breaking because a lot of XP computers are over 10 years old. Most people who needs to replace a broken XP PC will buy a Windows 10 PC because finding new computers with Windows 7 is harder to find these days.

There are also a lot of cheap tablets, mini computers, and netbooks which come with Windows 10, and cost less than $200 causing a lot of people to buy them because cheap electronics sell very well.
billions? Seems unrealistic.
If Microsoft does not release any more versions of Windows like Windows 11, and keep using the Windows 10 name for a long time, there maybe 1 billion computers with Windows 10 installed on it in many years when people replace their old Windows XP-8.1 computers with Windows 10 computers.
Well, they are offering both Vista, 7 and 8 users a free upgrade to Windows 10. Plus I doubt many people still use XP or buy XP computers.
XP has been discontinued for over a year. The fact that their new operating system is more popular than an operating system that has died a while ago is not really something to brag about.

I agree it is nothing to brag about that it took so long for Windows 10 to overtake XP.

Another reason for Windows 10 being more popular than Windows XP is that China, and other Asian Chinese Countries like Taiwan or Hong Kong are celebrating the Chinese New Year where many people are on holiday, so banks, schools, and the government are temporarily not using Windows XP or 7 computers to browse websites because the workers are on holiday.

A lot of Asian people may also be using their Windows 10 computers, smartphones, and tablets more during the Chinese New Year to browse the web instead of their XP work computer which they typically use at school, work, or the library.

I think once most of the Chinese workers go back to work in Chinese countries, Windows XP marketshare will rise again because there are a lot of Chinese businesses and government institutions which still use XP according to articles I read online where XP is very popular in China.
I think once most of the Chinese workers go back to work in Chinese countries, Windows XP marketshare will rise again because there are a lot of Chinese businesses and government institutions which still use XP according to articles I read online where XP is very popular in China.
Interesting... I had no idea about this... I guess you do make a good point...

Do Chinese workers use Vista too?
Interesting... I had no idea about this... I guess you do make a good point...

Do Chinese workers use Vista too?

Vista is not very popular in China because Vista requires a faster computers, and may not work with some older software titles which the Chinese like to use.

But, there are probably a very small percentage of workers like 0.34% or less of Chinese workers who use Vista at work.

Windows’ market share in China a whopping 97 percent

According to statistics compiled by StatCounter, Windows 7 accounted for 56.61 percent of the market share in China while Windows XP came in second and took 2.67 percent. Windows 8.1 and Windows 8 respectively powered 4.91 percent and 2.57 percent of the computers in China. Windows Vista took just 0.34 percent.

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According to that article:

Apple computers and OS X don't seem to be very popular in China...

There are a lot of poor Chinese, so they probably cannot afford an Apple computer which cost more than a Windows and Linux computer.
The figures aren't surprising at all considering XP has been discontinued for many years and its extended support (which includes patches for security critical issues) ended in 2014. Anyone who is still running XP is certainly taking some risks with their data as any exposed security flaw could easily bring down their PC or allow third parties (ie. hackers) easy access.