Windows 10 Start Menu Demos


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Microsoft showed off the new Windows 10 Start Menu, complete withe live tiles and the ability to change its size.
The startmenu looks okay.
Looks like it might get people to upgrade from W7 or XP.
I think most people with a faster Windows XP or Windows 7 computer with 3-8GB of RAM, Dual to Quad-core CPU,  320GB-1TB hard drive, and a faster video card or better onboard video will not upgrade to Windows 10 because most of the good features in 10 like the Start Menu are already on XP and 7.

I think mostly the people who have a computer which broke, or is too slow, and can't be upgraded anymore will upgrade to 10. PC Gamers will most likely upgrade to 10 to play games made for Windows 10.
See I don't mind Windows 8 at all. I have it on my laptop I am using now and actually like it quite a bit. Shame to see the negative response about it really... Windows 10 looks okay. Will have to see how it develops.
I use Windows 8.1 on my desktop computer, and I gotten used to the Start Screen, and other features. I like that there are now more Windows Store Apps and games like Gameloft Asphalt 8 which is a racing game I can play with keyboard instead of touch controls on a tablet. I find Windows 8.1 to be more stable than 7 and crashes less because 8 uses less RAM, and CPU resources than 7 in my experience.