Windows 7 tops 60 percent market share with Windows 10 just weeks away


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WINDOWS 7 IS PREPARING to go out to pasture in a blaze of glory with a significant jump in usage figures in its last full month before the release of new kid on the block Windows 10.
The operating system that was favoured hugely over its successor, Windows 8, has hit 60 percent saturation for the first time, according to this month's figures from Net Applications' Netmarketshare service.
Windows 7 was detected as running on 60.98 percent of machines globally, up 3.22 percent month on month and over 10 percent year on year.
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I think Windows 7 would be the most used Windows operating system for many more years because  a lot of people use software, and play games  which may not work on Windows 8/8.1, and 10. Students, and workers also need a reliable operating system like Windows 7 for school, and work, and may not trust Windows 8.1, and 10 as being a reliable operating system for schoolwork, or office work.
I bet, there would be a shortage of Windows 7 install discs, license keys, desktops, and laptops when Windows 10 is released from PC users who hate Windows 10, and 8/8.1, and are afraid they can't buy Windows 7 laptops, desktops, license keys, and install discs in the near future because of the high demand for Windows 7 computers, and install discs.
There also probably be a lot of people who will pirate Windows 7 for free on their new Windows 10 PC because they don't want to pay for Windows again, or feel they already paid for  Windows 10 when they bought their PC, and it is okay to pirate Windows 7 because they bought Windows 10 when they bought a PC.
I say its due to the fact that W7 is just the next best thing after XP.
I bet, Windows 7 is probably the easy to use, most stable and secure modern Windows operating system because it still has a lot of software makers which make software upadtes for it, and a lot of the bugs probably got patched.

A lot of the popular Windows games like League of Legends were made before Windows 8 was released, so a lot of gamers may continue to use Windows 7 because they may not work as well on Windows 8, and 10 because they are different operating systems.  