Windows 8 Consumer Preview First Impressions Video


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Windows 8 looks good for people who want a Tablet, but need to run "full featured" Windows software on a tablet instead of Apps on Tablets which are more limited and has fewer features, but I got the feeling the price of Windows 8 Tablets might make fewer people buy them if someone can just buy an Android Tablet for under 200 dollars or less.

Windows 8 also looks good for people with poor eyesight and limited hand movement since the Icons are big, so they are easy to click and see.

Switching between programs also seems pretty fast, and easy without using ALT-TAB, or the Start menu Task Bar.
not bad, but I think I will stick with W7.
Same for me, unless my computer breaks, and I need a new computer which only comes with Windows 8 on it since Windows 7 will be hard to buy on a new computer when Windows 8 comes out since most computer companies will upgrade all their newer PCs to Windows 8 because most newbie computer users might want the latest version of Windows since many people think newer software is better, and older software is outdated and bad.

I think as long as Windows 8 can still run most 3rd-party software like Firefox, Chrome, OpenOffice, and newer games a lot of people will upgrade to it when they need to use newer software and hardware which is not supported in Windows 7, Vista, and XP.
Satisfied with the windows 7 OS, why change it?

Windows 8 might be even better, and I be missing out on some of the cooler features of Windows 8 if I'm still using 7 like when I was still using Vista, and did not upgrade to Windows 7 until I got around to installing it on my PC months after the release of 7.
Windows 8 might be even better, and I be missing out on some of the cooler features of Windows 8 if I'm still using 7 like when I was still using Vista, and did not upgrade to Windows 7 until I got around to installing it on my PC months after the release of 7.
I'm not for change myself. XD I wanna stay with windows 7 because i really like it.
I dislike most of Windows logos since they are so dull. I Wish Windows can just hire more skilled graphic designers to make better logos. Internet Explorer, Microsoft Office, and other logos by MS are also pretty bad.