Windows 8 final build hands-on


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The big icons look useful for people with poor eye sight, and I like the App store built-in to Windows 8. Internet Explorer running on Windows 8 seems to run pretty fast in the video.

I like the 2D smooth Windows look of open folders and apps more then the Aeroglass theme with blurry see-through Windows which I was not a big fan of in Windows 7.

The performance and speed in Windows 8 also looks very fast even on a laptop.
I think it's a little soon for enlarged things, in another 10-20 years people will need them very much.
I kind of enjoy big and enlarge things since I am less likely to click on the wrong icon when clicking fast, and don't have to move my mouse as much to the thing since it takes up more of the screen.

Old people might like big icons as well since it makes things easier to click, and see.