Windows 8 is Coming Soon Ad video


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Good video. From the looks of the video, Windows 8 will be a good operating system for Tablets, and touchscreen PCs.

I wonder if more people will buy new PC with Windows 8 on it, or just upgrade their PC to Windows 8 from XP, Vista, 7, and other versions of Windows.

I might upgrade my desktop PC from 7 to 8 since I read online Windows 8 uses a lot less RAM then 7, and if things go well on my desktop on 8, I might buy a Windows 8 touchscreen PC or tablet in the future.
I just hate how those people are paid to look amazed.

But I say wait for a month for detail reviews to come out. Nothing worse to upgrade your PC to find it to be crap.
Maybe they were hired because they are amazed by Windows 8. The little girl drawing on a Windows 8 Tablet at the end looks pretty believable, and the people gaming on Windows 8 might be amazed by the game.

You can also get a trial of Windows 8 online, a book on Windows 8, or magazine which usually let you try out Windows 8 for 30 days without buying a license key for it. Bestbuy, Radioshack, and Walmart would also have PC with windows 8 for you to try out at the store.