Windows 8 store adds 7,000 apps in two weeks to pass 20,000 mark, almost 18,000 are free


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The Windows Store in Windows 8 has passed 20,000 apps. It’s not clear exactly when it happened, but Win App Update, which keeps track of the totals, posted on Thursday that the milestone was likely reached on Tuesday.

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This is pretty impressive of Windows 8 Market for having over 20 000 app in the market in 2 weeks time. I checked out some of the Apps made by Windows 8 app developers, and they are pretty good. I like the news, games, and social networking apps for Windows 8.
That's good that so many apps are available to get.
I think there are very few "mobile touchscreen apps" for Windows 7 because Windows 7 was not made for touch like Windows 8, Android, or iOS.

But, most desktop apps/programs like Microsoft Office 2007,, Skype, Netflix, etc for Windows 7 should work on Windows 8 since Windows 8 is similar to Windows 7 except for the added TouchScreen user interface called the Start Screen, and a desktop like Windows 7, but without a start menu button, but you can get the start menu back by using programs like Classic Shell, and Start8 which brings the startmenu back to 8.