Windows 8: The World is Ready


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Around the world, people gather to experience and celebrate Windows 8 as it prepares to launch on 10.26.2012

I like the video since it is not like those slow videos about computers which people usually make about OSes, and there is no guy constantly talking about a PC in a high voice.

The scenery in the video about Windows 8 is pretty good since it shows India, Japan, US, China, and other countries in less then 2 minutes.

I wonder how Ready the world is for a touch based Windows 8 OS.
Today is the release date for Windows 8, Windows 8 Pro, and the Surface RT Windows 8 Tablet.

There is a desktop mode in Windows 8, and third party programs like Classic Shell, Start 8, and Pokki which make Windows 8 work like Windows 7.
Meh, I like the countdown video better.

Anyways, I haven't herd much about this. So I assume this week there will be tons of articles poping up.