Windows 8 Touch PC Demand is Strong, Say Analysts


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PC vendors facing supply shortages, apparently.

Despite a number of industry figures and PC manufacturers expressing their doubts regarding the operating system's ability to succeed, Microsoft has seen strong demand for Windows 8 touch systems.

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Surprising that there is a shortages of touch screen Windows 8 PC. I bet the main reason is pc makers like Acer, HP, and Dell did not predict touch will be so popular with new computer buyers, and did not make enough Touch PC for people to buy.
must be great to use, I wonder how soon it will make it's way into schools and business.
I think it will be a very long time because a lot of schools and companies are cheap, or rather spend the money on something else like newspaper advertisements to advertise their Sales they are having on stuff, or to convince more people to go to school.

I see restaurants using Touch PC for the waitress or waiter to send the menu to the cook when I eat out.

ATMs, and those self-check out cash register where the costumer also have to be the cashier to buy stuff uses touch screens.

I wonder are Windows 8 Tablets being considered touch PC, or is the analyst just including Desktop and laptop with a touch screen.