Windows Phone Not A Priority For Microsoft This Year


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It looks like with all the fanfare that surrounded Windows 10 just recently, it does not seem as though Microsoft is about to put in all that much effort to make Windows Phone a priority for the year 2016. Of course, this particular bit of information should not come across as a surprise, since Windows 10 on smartphones are not a top priority for the company as well – which goes to show how much further down Windows Phone is on the software giant’s priority list.

Windows chief Terry Myerson share with The Verge after the Microsoft keynote was over at the Build developers conference, where Myerson admitted that “If you wanted to reach a lot of phone customers, Windows Phone isn’t the way to do it.”

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I agree with Terry Myerson that Windows Phone does not have a lot of Phone users.
Then it is doom to fail most likely unless they have big plans down the road.
Then it is doom to fail most likely unless they have big plans down the road.

It can be risky for Windows Phone to start big plans for its Phone operating system which is losing users.

Microsoft may miss out on getting more users for its more successful products like Xbox, Skype, MS Office, Outlook, OneDrive, etc if MS spend most of its time on Windows Phone which has a low chance of getting more users because a lot of people are already too used to using iOS, and Google Android now.

Microsoft may also end up spending a lot of money on Windows Phone, and not getting enough phone buyers which causes Microsoft Windows Phone Department to lose a lot of money like how Blackberry, Nokia, Sony, and Motorola all had money problems by not spending their time, and money on making phones which more people wanted to buy.