Windows XP Market Share Outnumbers Windows 8/8.1 and Vista Combined


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The Walking Dead: Windows Edition
Just like you’re supposed to do when dealing with the undead, Microsoft aimed for the head when it cut off support for Windows XP last month, the legacy operating system that’s proving impossibly difficult to kill. Despite the risk of unpatched vulnerabilities (a pretty big deal) and no more tech support (largely a non-issue for consumers, but important for some businesses), Windows XP is installed on more PCs than Windows 8, Windows 8.1, and Windows Vista combined.
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I wonder would XP someday outnumber Windows 7 as more Windows 7 computers break, and people replace them with Linux, Windows 8, UNIX, and Mac OS X, and a lot of companies, schools, government, and regular PC users still use XP because they don't want to upgrade to a new OS.
Seems like every new article, MS looks like a bigger fool.
Microsoft made Windows XP too good, so  a large percentage of XP users see no reason to upgrade to Vista, 7, and 8 because XP works, and it still can run the largest amount of software like old PC games which Vista-8 can't run, and most newer software like OpenOffice, Firefox, Google Chrome, and newer games still can run on XP.