Winter Activities


Horror Movie Guru
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What do you usually like to do in the winter? Do you go to ski resorts? Go up into the mountains to relax? Tubing? Or do you like to stay at home and be warm.
I stay inside and enjoy some reading. I have one of the spare bedrooms in my house turned into what my hubby calls "the library".
I usually like to stay inside and be warm.. but this year, I'll be trying to get a jump on Summer stuff for my house.. since we are FINALLY settled.. well the upper part, that is..

But my husband and I will also be working on getting the lower part of our house settled too.. which, I am hoping will be much easier since it is less rooms compared to the upstairs..
I'm the type who doesn't handle the cold so I'm inside a lot. I take walks with our dog & shovel as applicable but I don't spend anymore time than I have to outdoors.
I would prefer to stay inside unless I have to help do something outside.