winter picture character requests


Well-Known Member
i am going to make a winter picture it will come out in late januaray and i need your help to diside who should be in it this will only have nintendo characters in it so in the comments put who you want to be in it and what you want them to be doing all sugestions are due by Januaray 20th i will start working on it right away.

*note this will be a winter like theme with snow man a things like that
their can be several yoshis,shyguy ect. just make sureto list what color

here are the ones other people picked so you dont pick 2 of the same person

kirby, making a snow angle - wearing a scarf
shyguy (red), making a snowangle with friends - wearing a hat
lakitu, pointing to main item on a cloud - wearing ???
mario,standing giving thumbs up - wearing a santa hat
yoshi (green), running - wearing a scarf and hat
metal mario, standing - wearing ???
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what does it matter i dont have any exampels of my art on here this is a netbook i am on i dont have the room for pictures to upload like i will when i put the winter pic on thats all
I want a shadow arceus floating and using judgment!
ill try my best
what does it matter i dont have any exampels of my art on here this is a netbook i am on i dont have the room for pictures to upload like i will when i put the winter pic on thats all
Because that will make people aware of your drawing skills and if you're good it might get more people joining.
ok your right ill add a sample of my art work just not to day
i know but i dont really have any art work to show right now so i will make a picture of something today and i will post it later today or tomorrow
Put my colored Metal Mario in it thanks
ok i got it
Oh I have an idea what about a random Yoshi trying to lick Metal Mario but got his tongue stuck
ok i like it
Wiggler Snowman?