Wish search engine results auto-loaded the next page of results like Twitter?


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Yes, I link it be nice if Google, Yahoo, and other search engines auto-loaded the second page like Twitter, Facebook Wall, and other sites since it would mean more websites on the second page get more visit. Plus, it would save users a few seconds or minutes of time.

Lesser known search engines like http://duckduckgo.com/ , already has autoloading results which work well, and does not slow down your web browser when auto loading the next results.
Meaning the search results to update in real time? Sounds useful, but may consume more bandwidth, in my opinion since Google is the top biggest and active search site in the world.
Meaning the search results to update in real time? Sounds useful, but may consume more bandwidth, in my opinion since Google is the top biggest and active search site in the world.

I meant more like the Twitter Feed on Twitter Profile like http://twitter.com/#!/twitter , and Facebook Wall which is now automatically show older and less relevant posts as you scroll down the page, so you do not have to click the next page button. I believe this feature only works on newer web browsers like Firefox 4 and above, Chrome, Opera and IE9.
be nice for none first page websites.