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Hachi the Fallen

I have come to see a link between the rise of women, their increasing rights, involvement in politics, and the feminist movement and the increasing stupidity, perversion of culture, and all around degeneracy in the west. These irrational, pseudo- sentient life forms have done naught but sap the life out of intellectual and powerful men over the last hundred years or so, and we men have made the mistake of brainwashing ourselves to believe that these succubae are actual people. Their whole kind is nothing more than tools for procreation, unfit to live without a patron's approval.

Allow me to make my case.

Women are naturally cowards. I myself have met women who have admitted to me that they and their whole kind are born cowards. They are timid creatures whose emotions overpower their logic and rationality, and they are therefore unfit to lead. They're extreme emotions are triggered by slight, and unimportant things and with these worries they hinder the progress of man. Remember the last time your girlfriend got angry at you for that thing that to this day you have no idea what she was talking about? Imagine that ruling a society or country. Imagine that fight being with another world leader. Imagine an irrational war started because of the errancy of women. I'm glad Hillary lost so that America may live a few years longer.

Mankind used to be male dominated, and with good reason. Women knew their place, and men kept them there. Now, let's look at the achievements of men in this long period of history. We have such political achievements as the republic, and the democracy. We then have technological advancements such as the irrigation, the hanging gardens, the printing press, electricity, factories, cars, computers, and now even the internet. We also have such historical achievements like the Neolithic Revolution, the American and French Revolutions. We have the great thinkers of history, like Socrates, Aristotle, Boethius, Bacon, Marx, Nietzsche, Bohr, and, of course, Einstein. Who, do you think, was the most intelligent person in history, who could change the way you think, whose infinite wisdom puts this person on level with the gods? He was a man, wasn't he? Back when we were a male dominated society, men did not even love women. Most of the great men of history were gay, only having wives for children. Shakespeare was gay, DaVinci was gay, to name a few. Men can survive without women (for lack of children, granted). Take modern gay people for example, why do you think they are so happy? With gene science as it is now, we can make humans effectively enough without women soon enough. Jesus Christ.

Now, let's look at more modern times, shall we? In 1920, women gained the right to vote. Coincidentally, we have not had a good president since the nineteenth century. In 1966, we had a cultural revolution. Great and all, but that's when police and the government became the bad guys. Degeneracy ran wild and became commonly accepted as culture. Then, come 1977, the Feminist movement; that was the death knell of the west as it was formerly known. Since these sperm dumpsters decided they were people too, the west has become one grand showing of Dumb and Dumber. We now have what has to be the stupidest couple of generations since the Salem witch trials. We no longer have great philosophers; we no longer have great authors or philosophers. We have become a nation glued to MTV and teenNICK. Remember G4TV? That's pretty much all of America at this point. And for god's sake... just look at our teenagers. What have we done to let our youth become to terribly corrupted and utterly stupid? To quote Chuck Palahniuk, "We are a generation of men raised by women". We have indeed let ourselves be led astray by the foolish little minds of women.

The fact that what I say, by modern standards, is sexist and therefore bad is further proof that we have been brainwashed. Women have convinced us that they have sufficient mental capacity to feel real emotion and can therefore be "hurt" and that we need to protect them. This is a lie.

We have today naught but broken shards of society, a ghost of the greatness that humankind once was.
*runs away from the soon to be dead man* well I can't say all women are cowards. thats all I'm saying *hides*
QUOTE (Demon_Skeith @ October 20, 2008 06:52 pm) *runs away from the soon to be dead man* well I can't say all women are cowards. thats all I'm saying *hides*
Good point I was just abou-- wait, why is there a red laser on my forehead?!
Behind every great man in history was a strong woman to stand by his side and comfort him through everything he was doing. Men can NOT do it alone. They may think they can, but you'll find it's a long, dull, boring journey if you decide to go at it alone.

We have had many strong women in history and without them, things wouldn't be were they are now. Florence Nightingale (for example) helped take care of the soldiers during the Crimean war and started the path for nursing as we know it today. Without her, nurses wouldn't be what we are today. Clara Barton started up the Red Cross and ask any soldier how important the Red Cross can be (especially during war time).

Whatever girl (yes I say girl) said that woman are cowards by nature hasn't become a woman yet. Let any man stay home, maintain a household, cook, clean, take care of the kids, take the kids to sports, help them with homework, and support his wife when she gets home from a rough day at work....I guarentee he will want to go back to work within a week. Yes woman and men have different roles, but that's not to say a woman can't be a leader. Leadership of a household is still leadership. Look at how many household fall apart when "Mom" get sick or if she isn't happy. It takes a special person to be a good leader and if you look at the men we have leading this country lately, I would say they aren't exactly what we need.

So, before you decide to call us cowards and say that we aren't leaders...look at the men representing male leadership and then come back to me.

Ohh, and remember...I was in the Army, so if I was really a coward, why would I have enlisted???
QUOTE (Seaofclouds @ October 20, 2008 10:35 pm) Behind every great man in history was a strong woman to stand by his side and comfort him through everything he was doing. Men can NOT do it alone. They may think they can, but you'll find it's a long, dull, boring journey if you decide to go at it alone.

We have had many strong women in history and without them, things wouldn't be were they are now. Florence Nightingale (for example) helped take care of the soldiers during the Crimean war and started the path for nursing as we know it today. Without her, nurses wouldn't be what we are today. Clara Barton started up the Red Cross and ask any soldier how important the Red Cross can be (especially during war time).

Whatever girl (yes I say girl) said that woman are cowards by nature hasn't become a woman yet. Let any man stay home, maintain a household, cook, clean, take care of the kids, take the kids to sports, help them with homework, and support his wife when she gets home from a rough day at work....I guarentee he will want to go back to work within a week. Yes woman and men have different roles, but that's not to say a woman can't be a leader. Leadership of a household is still leadership. Look at how many household fall apart when "Mom" get sick or if she isn't happy. It takes a special person to be a good leader and if you look at the men we have leading this country lately, I would say they aren't exactly what we need.

So, before you decide to call us cowards and say that we aren't leaders...look at the men representing male leadership and then come back to me.

Ohh, and remember...I was in the Army, so if I was really a coward, why would I have enlisted???
Us men catch a lot of crap just because we have a Y chromosome instead of a double-X.

We're expected to be tough, powerful, and brave when in reality most are the opposite.

We, in 95% of the cases rarely (if ever) get a child in a custody dispute, we're always the ones to have the finger pointed at us in abuse/neglect cases, and we always have to pay MORE in child support.

The "women are weak" comment, while insensitive, was a fairly good judgment on my part, in general, being a a 22-year-old college student in a liberal state, in thinking (through in-experience, bad experiences with my mother (and women in general)) as maybe a stereotype in some ways, but I've noticed that some (like you I'm guessing) are incredibly strong and tough (usually tougher then I or my other fellow "Y-carriers").
Others, I have unfortunately noticed, crumble into tears over superficial things, like breaking a nail (bad example? yes).

That is a good point to start with, you may continue your counter-argument.

I admit, I don't understand women and never intend to try at any point in time.

Honestly, I disagree with you. I blame a lack of discipline (combined with advancements in weapon technology) for our decadent state. No one corrects bad people so they stay bad. Theny they use their bad methods to get into power.

Now, I'm only 16 so I may not know a few things, but we have had good moments since women came into power. Many advancements in technology/science, arts/literature, etc have come from women.

Look at China. It is filled with many problems such as pollution and over population. The latter might end if women are granted equal rights (everyone wants a boy, so they dump the girls on the streets to make it look like they never had a girl. I'm not kidding, they really do that). Look at the middle east as well. They are male dominated. Saddam Hussein was a man, look at what he did. Finally, look to the world before WWII. That contained some of the worlds worst rulers (EVER) and none of them were women. Mussolini got into power not from women, but from rigging elections, which brings me to my next point.

I think the problem is immoral people, not just women, but men included. We have had a few good presidents such as FDR and, IIRC, Nixon is considered to be the greatest. We need stronger moral values somehow. The only option that would really work seems to me to be through capital punishment.

I do agree that humanity is approaching its end and I won't be surprised if it happens in my life time. However, I disagree that its women's fault.

I think we need to blame ourselves instead of find scapegoats. We need to shape up and fix society.
QUOTE (Hachi the Fallen @ October 21, 2008 04:20 pm) We, in 95% of the cases rarely (if ever) get a child in a custody dispute, we're always the ones to have the finger pointed at us in abuse/neglect cases, and we always have to pay MORE in child support.

I don't have time to address everything in your post right now, but I promise I will later tonight. For now though, let me say this. I don't agree with women getting custody all of the time. I think a lot of that happens because the man is the one that walks out (majority of the time).

I could start a whole other rant about deadbeat dads, but I'll disgress.

Anyway, the child support thing. Who ever is the non-custodial parent has to pay child support. The child support is based on the income of both parents. The courts have a system set up where they determine what percentage each parent would be contributing to caring for the child based on their income. So, if I made $700/month and my son's father made $300/month. I would be expected to contribute 70% of the money needed for our son and he would be expected to contribute 30%. From there, they determine how much the non-custodial parent needs to pay each month. The reason men seem to pay more than women is because majority of the time, men make more money (which is a whole other rant). Our society still doesn't pay equal wages to men and women in most career fields.

And now I must go meet my husband in Neverwinter Nights....bbl.
Well, you raise a solid argument. (I also regret ever posting this.)

And what you said about the men walking out fully reinforces my "Men can be cowardly too" comment, a lot of parents are too young or stupid to be having kids at their age.

The father (whom usually claims not to be) panics and scurries off to some cave somewhere, just like mine! (
And thats just slightly worse than my drunken, stoner dad, who is never there, and doesnt call...
I'm sorry that you guys have had bad fathers. I could add tons to the bad father debate (mine molested me and tried to hit me when I was pregnant with my son).


Atleast we all can agree that deadbeat dads suck!
I feel sorry for you guys. My family doesn't have a bad dad, just bad relations. do have foster brothers and sisters with dads like those, so I can sort of understand. I just won't truly know it like you do.
Just catching up;

Sea? Why not make a rant on deadbeat dads? Just Pm me for my usual self-appointed guidelines and tips (if you feel it necessary.)

Gamer, kinda sucks that you can't directly sympathize, I was planning on a group therapy session. [/sarcasm]
That was so sexist. What makes us diffenrt and uncapable to lead. Nothing. We're can do it too. damn, i know there's men like this, but this is making me sick.

I'm not going to stand in some guy's shadow just cause I'm a female. I have my pride. I'm the one who does everything in my house. My mom and I run the damn household! I know more things then my own father! I can handle myself, I can keep the pace. Women deserve their rights.

You're fucking blaming us for having bad preisedents, and crap like that. WTF, man. If you're going to say something so dumb, make it worth my time.

I'm no corward, I've met plenty of boys who are corwards. There goes that point.
I'd like to see you clean and run a house! that would be funny. So get a real debate going, and not some sexist crap that's so not true.

Women are just as strong as any man, throughout history history we've stood behinf men supporting them, and been in front of them cutting the path.

Who was it that first made the cut into equal rights for blacks: A WOMAN!!!!!

And who helped heal the men in war? WOMEN!

We're not weak in any way. We can handle anythign you dish us. So get a grip with reality. Women and Men should and will remain equal!
I am an adoptee from South Korea. I disgraced both of my birth parents most likely but the thing is men also have more escape routes than woman. My birth father could have abandoned her like THOUSANDS of other korean women stuck in materinity homes in korea. Men don't have to deal with the outward signs of mistakes sometimes.

I know many strong women. In a packet about going back to homeland I heard a story of a korean destuitely poor birth mother who inisted on taking her birth daughter for a good meal even though she couldn't afford it and then sending her daughter off with yen. That women spent hours slaving in a factory to help someone she cared about.

I know another strong korean women story. My conulor at one of my Korean Culture Camps her father did illegal bussiness and then left their family in tons of debt. Her mother worked hard and even had to live in her office for a month to make ends meet for her 2 daughters. After years of no contact their father finally calls saying he met someone in america and did not call out of fear.

Everyone has fear, everyone can be strong. Gender does not decide things, your soul does.