Wonder Woman TV Pilot Details


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BleedingCool.com has read the David E. Kelley (Ally McBeal, Boston Legal) Wonder Woman pilot and put up a little list of some of the *spoiler-free* details about the first episode in order to clarify a few things about the project, which has been under the fanboy microscope over the past few weeks. A special warning to all of you who don't want to know anything about the new show and might consider any specifics to be spoilers. (Which I kinda do, personally. So beware!)

Keep in mind too that many of these details could change through rewrites and revisions.

So which elements from the DC Comics will be a part of the new show?

* There's a Myndi Mayer - Diana's BFF.
* There's a scene with comics character Etta Candy.
* Long ago, government man Steve Trevor crashed onto Wonder Woman's island and brought her back to New York, but now they've split up. She still loves him, though, and it's obvious that their relationship is going to be a focus.
* Diana doesn't have an invisible jet, but she does have a bunch of multi-colored aircraft.
* She does have the lasso and those bracelets with which she deflects bullets.
* Her nemesis is Veronica Cale, who on the show is an evil scientist and rival businesswoman with an diabolical plan.

BleedingCool goes on to write that Wonder Woman has two alternate identities; one being Diana Prince (no make-up, glasses, hair up) and the other being Diana Themyscyra, the head of Themiscyra industries. Now, you might want to write this down or draw yourself a diagram. Ready? No one knows that WW is Diana Prince, but the whole world knows, Tony Stark-style, that WW and Diana Themyscyra are the same.

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