WordPress blogs will soon support Facebook's Instant Articles


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If you turn to Facebook for your daily news update, you may have come across Instant Articles. A small number of publishers are able to serve up news articles quickly for mobile devices right now, but from April 12th, the technology will be open to anyone --- including bloggers. In a bid to get communities on board, Facebook has teamed up with Automattic, the company behind the popular publishing software WordPress, to make it easy for writers all over the world to serve pages up to 10 times faster than they could before.

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I don't know if Facebook Instant Articles would be good for most WordPress Blogs since it can cause readers to not visit their blog, and just read the article on Facebook, so blog owners will end up losing a lot of web traffic which is needed for making money from ads, affiliate ads where you get paid for helping sell products, and their official online store.

Blogs will also lose a lot of readers if Facebook decided to shutdown Instant Articles in the future because not enough people use it.

I wonder if Facebook will share the earnings from Facebook's Instant Articles with blogs which sometimes need to earn lots of money for paying for web hosting, domain renewal fees, website templates, and workers for bigger blogs with millions of readers.
I'm sure this will be a useful tool to bloggers.
I agree this tool does not seem useful to bloggers since this tool is not making Facebook users go to their actual blog as much unlike sharing a link on Facebook or a forum where people need to actually click on a link to read the full article on the actual website.
I could see this being a good way to give your Facebook group a "taste," incentivizing them to share and come to your actual site.