Wore out a controller?


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Have you ever played a video game so much that you wore out your controller and had to buy a new one?

Well, I've been playing Hogwarts: Legacy on my PS4 so much I think I've done wore out my controller. The buttons on the controller are loose and my character on the game is doing things I'm not telling it to do because it thinks I'm holding buttons down that I'm not touching. I'm going to have to go shopping for a new controller now.
Ive had controllers "drift" from using them so much, lol.
I never have, I take care of my stuff.
The only time is the control stick on my main N64 controller, but it also took over 20 years, and has more to do with how the inner bowl is designed where the stick wears down the plastic on the inside.
I wore out a PS2 controller where the plastic on the inside somehow got loose, and made a rattling sound.
I definitely have, N64 controllers are notorious for wonky joysticks, and I made a fair few of them die from over-exertion :grin:
It depends on the kind game you're playing which will impact on how you use the controllers. If I remembered my days of playing Winning Eleven on my PS1, I wore out my X button very quickly.
I have played a game enough I have worn out a controller, yes. It was back in 2020 and due to the lockdowns, I was playing a lot more Fortnite than I would have done normally and throughout that time, I was able to wear down my controller to the point where I needed a new one.
I used to play video games 70+ hours a week, and I would need a new controller every year. Either the buttons would wear out or the controller would get stick drift.
My N64 controllers used to get connection issues where the wire went into the controller, I'd assume from me always wrapping the wire around the controller. Otherwise they have been great on the Xbox side of things. I did have the original Elite controller's rubber grips wear off after probably 5 years, but that was about it and I likely could have reglued them.
I used to play video games 70+ hours a week, and I would need a new controller every year. Either the buttons would wear out or the controller would get stick drift.
No controller will suffer being played with for so long without being damaged. I had this experience with my Sega Genesis controllers years ago.
No controller will suffer being played with for so long without being damaged. I had this experience with my Sega Genesis controllers years ago.
Why do I get the feeling Analog would pay more? Playing retro for extended periods is an investment.