PC/Mobile World of Warcraft: Legion - Trailer Mashup


Well-Known Member
If anyone hasn't seen the Legion trailer yet, give it a shot, even if you don't play WoW. Blizzard's cinematics are always so well-made and amazing. That being said, my significant other came up with a song that fit incredibly well with the trailer and made a mashup of the two. Check it out, I think it fits great enough that I'd share. ^^

Legion Trailer + Low Roar - "I'll Keep Coming"
Wow, looks great, I haven't played Warcraft in a good while, I think I will get this one. Yeah, Blizzard's intros and movies are a cut above the rest. I still remember the first time I saw one of their videos, my jaw just dropped, it was one of the red alert games and I had to buy it. I did not regret it. :)
Pretty cool, I actually have never really been that into World Of Warcraft only because I just don't understand the world of warcraft, lol. I knew a guy who took it so seriously, he tried to convince me to go home and try playing the game, I went to work the next day and lied to his face. I told him that the game was awesome and that I can see why he was addicted. I was so wrong for that one.
Even though I have heard a lot about world of warcraft, I have never played it before, yet, or even see a video game trailer of it, but I can definitely see why people like it so much, it seems to have a strong argument and the animation is actually extremely realistic and just really put together, I really need to try this one.
Thanks for sharing!