World's Smallest Bluetooth Speaker!


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This looks like a fun Bluetooth speaker for kids, and casual users. I wonder would it would sound better if the speaker was made of wood instead of plastic.
I don't care what they do, bigger is better for sound.

Anyways, good view. Sad the device doesn't hold up.
I don't care what they do, bigger is better for sound.

Anyways, good view. Sad the device doesn't hold up.

I agree, bigger speakers has better sound.

I think these tiny speakers don't need to be very loud because they will mostly be used in places like school, kitchen, library, and away from home where very loud noises are annoying to other people when the sound from a louder speaker will distract people who don't want to listen to your music or sound.
I could see setting those up on a shelf around my bed so I couldn't have to use headphones, but I don't see a lot of pratical applications of speakers that small.
Now some other company will try to beat the record and make an even smaller bluetooth speaker...

I agree some other company will try to make an even smaller Bluetooth Speaker. But, I worry that a smaller Bluetooth speaker have poorer battery life, worse sound quality, and is less durable because it is thinner.

I bet, the case could be made of thin paper, fabric/clothe, or a plastic sheet as thin as a plastic bags to make the Bluetooth Speaker slightly thinner, but less durable.
I don't see anyone making it smaller since this one is a bust.

I think most big companies like Creative and Bose will make a smaller speaker.

But, there are lots of less trustworthy companies which make these tiny speakers to make money by selling these tiny speakers to people who buy these speakers for $10 or less on eBay and Amazon. People who buy these speakers don't care as much about audio quality, and just want a speaker to use for simple sounds like a door bell, and alarm clock app where sound quality is less important.

Someone can make a smaller speaker, and sell it for $5 or less online to make some money from people who buy these sizes of speakers for fun.