Worms Armageddon has been updated after 21 years


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Worms Armageddon has quietly released an update 21 years after it first appeared on PC. Developer Team17 launched the game back in 1999, and it quickly gained popularity within the Worms community, making it one of the most popular games in the series.
More options for streamers and online games, too, so check out the full list of 3.8's update on the Worms Armageddon website. And, for Worms fans who never moved on from Windows 1998, the update post assures that the game will still work on retro computers.
This year marks the original Worms' 25th anniversary, so Team17 is celebrating it with a brand new game. Worms Rumble ditches the traditional turn-based shenanigans and is a first for the series: a 32-player real-time arena shooter.
why after 21 years it shell get updated, who still plays this game
Going to be very interesting to see what they would add and do. Seems that they will make a full new game to today's world