Worst anime cliche.


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Hey guys! StolenKid again here, I just want to know what's your opinion on anime cliches and what's the worst one according to you! For me, the worst anime cliche is "the power of friendship makes you stronger" like come on, really? Unnecessary powerup because of the friendship? Oh, that's another one, whenever a powerup comes as a Deus Ex Machina.
power of friendship is kind of sickening, but I can understand how it gives one a sudden boost. I would pretty much go with that one.
yeah i agree it's very stupid to have deus ex machina in anime but it is common unfortunately
when the bad guy says 'I'm gonna take over the world' and a pose at the end
Well, I believe the worst anime cliche ever is 'I am not gonna give up'.
Seriously it's too much. The last ending scene can be done without that phrase.
I've never watched a lot of harem animes but of those I have seen the clueless lead is terrible. Still not as bad as the "Power of Friendship" bullshit.

I don't mind last minute power ups if they've been alluded to several times. (Like in Dragon Ball Z where we see Gohan keeping pace through his rage induced outbursts but unable to start to harness it until the Cell Saga and then later in the Buu Saga before he gets a proper grasp.)