Worst games you've seen on Steam Greenlight?


Gaming Latest Admin and Gaming Reinvented Owner
Full GL Member
What ones are they and why?

A few bad ones can be seen in Jim Sterling's videos:


But are there any you think are especially bad? I personally find this one the most hilarious so far:

To be honest, most of the submissions on Greenlight are utter shite. Yet somehow a whole lot of them still get in! What's wrong with the people voting on that garbage?

If a game has bad presentation, it's quite likely that it's going to be a bad game as well, and looking at the stuff put up on GL one can easily spot the worst of the worst there. I think that overall Greenlight has only hurt Steam.
Maybe it's because it does not factor dislikes (to prevent bombing, I presume).

Makes sense, but it still doesn't explain how this crap gets voted in. In some cases I can understand using bots to vote, but there are loads of games that you can just see are created by completely incompetent people, so it's obvious they don't have the knowledge or the funds to utilize bots - yet people still vote them in! It has to be some "vote me, I vote for you" type of scheme by shady developers.

Overall I think that Valve should seriously curate their Greenlight entries.
I wish there were at least small teams for it. Steam is known for its poor/inconsistent support. Maybe it's because of the way it works: 10% of the Top Greenlighted games get accepted each month. So if a crappy game sti(n|c)ks it out enough, they might eventually get in.
Agreed, but I'm sure Valve knows that as much as the small minority of us whine about how bad Greenlight is, we're still not even remotely going to consider leaving Steam and will keep on giving them money anyways, so might as well skimp on the QC completely and only go after stuff that blows really out of the proportions in the media - if even at that.
True, Steam has a big monopoly on things right now. Others have tried to compete, but they end up being more annoying than not. Origin has good support but empty community, we don't talk about UPlay... GoG seems to be going well.