Worst spam attack your forum or blog ever suffered?


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I once had a spambot personal message all my members with a link to a Russian dating site this happened twice I think.
The worst ones I received were comments to my Wordpress blog:

Name: dasjdasj
Comment: sdjaklsjdklsajkld Car trucks sdjaksjdklsajdkl

And it went on and on for 10 consistent comments. How rude. Some spammers even excert 'flowery' messages. Theirs show no effort at all! :hammer:
The worst ones I received were comments to my Wordpress blog:

Name: dasjdasj
Comment: sdjaklsjdklsajkld Car trucks sdjaksjdklsajdkl

And it went on and on for 10 consistent comments. How rude. Some spammers even excert 'flowery' messages. Theirs show no effort at all! :hammer:

At least they didn't post links to pornographic websites - that was what happened to mine.
Apparently it got so bad that I had to close my blog down because people thought it was advertising pornographic material.
Good thing I went to list my site on a "traffic-enhancing" website... Not.