Worst Teacher You Ever Had


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Steal Penalty
Steal Penalty
Steal Penalty
Steal Penalty
Steal Penalty
I just need to get this off my shoulders, but when I was in the Eighth grade, my normal math teacher was absent and as the school apparently had no sub my class was sent into another classroom. Now I was a quiet and shy kid back then and while everyone else was saying hi to some random teacher, I walk into class not saying a word. And this ego maniac decides that I was disrespecting him, so he took me out to the hallway and while not yelling was still acting like I did something wrong. So I'm out there for at least three minutes hearing this dude talk about respect. It completly destroyed me for the rest of the period because I was just a quiet kid who just wanted to go home and play video games. So please tell me your terrible teachers and what they did.

Also bonus story, the last week of my fifth grade, my principal was arrested for assault. The charges were dropped but he didn't come back the next year.
When I was in grade 4 this teacher didn't like french for some reason and I have a french last name. Something about the war, hate hates french toast??? who knows.

He used to have these pool parties every two months for class and every time he would do the event I'd show up to school and find out then be put in a special ed class for the day. Same thing for another outdoor routes. Like going to a canoe museum or camp or something. They were just bringing in computers, the one's with green and orange screens and kids were giving an hour a week to learn with them and he opted me out of that. Then when the school did it's annual sporting Olympic event thing he would force me to stay in class with random made up work to do. If there were any activities I was left out.

Each time I'd just show up to school. Then he started to get kids to punch me in the arm and then by midway of school year it was discovered by other staff that he was blatantly saying random racist "go back to your country" phrases all over the school.
Eventually principals transferred me to a random other classroom with the story "they don't get along".

Of course this was in the 90 before filming and cellphones were really around.
He's probably about 65years old now and probably retired. One day I should look him up.
Had 2 instance in different grades in Grade I believe 6 I remember I some how annyoned the teacher and class he lost his temper at me like dude face turned red asf (I nearly peeped my pants lol) Second was in grade 12 had a sub for one of my class she was rude like I asked a question she straight told me and some other students I am here to teach you why do you ask questions lmao
Making me relive some bad stuff but here we go:

1. Had an art teacher that I think had mental issues, one day I was focused on a task, tuning everything else out when I guess the teacher said she was putting something away for one of the steps. I was a bit slow and didn't hear her so when I went up for the step item that she put away, she just tore into me and screamed her head off. That really wrecked me.

2. Had a really ugly fat teacher for 7th grade math class, everyone called her elephant lady from how she looked. She wasn't naturally bad, but she had this aura and presences that you didn't want to say anything or just be frighten.

That's all I recall now.
It would be definitely one of my mathematics teachers in high school. She's knows nothing and once you ask her a question, she would give us assignment on that question. We started calling her Assignment Teacher lol.
It would be definitely one of my mathematics teachers in high school. She's knows nothing and once you ask her a question, she would give us assignment on that question. We started calling her Assignment Teacher lol.

She deserves such name. I think subjects such as mathematics need teachers that are well grounded in it. That is the only way to get the students learning it as fast as they could.
My geometry teacher in the 10th grade was pretty trash at teaching. Her grading method was also pretty dumb, she would assign the typical amount you'd see in a math class, but randomly would only grade 4 or so questions. They usually ended up being the hardest questions from the assignment, and almost everyone in class had a D average.

You gotta question your teaching/grading methods when most of your students are either failing, or barely passing. I still don't remember my final grade, but it wasn't that great.
My geometry teacher in the 10th grade was pretty trash at teaching. Her grading method was also pretty dumb, she would assign the typical amount you'd see in a math class, but randomly would only grade 4 or so questions. They usually ended up being the hardest questions from the assignment, and almost everyone in class had a D average.

You gotta question your teaching/grading methods when most of your students are either failing, or barely passing. I still don't remember my final grade, but it wasn't that great.

Sounds like the school administration was just as bad if they let that go.
My geometry teacher in the 10th grade was pretty trash at teaching. Her grading method was also pretty dumb, she would assign the typical amount you'd see in a math class, but randomly would only grade 4 or so questions. They usually ended up being the hardest questions from the assignment, and almost everyone in class had a D average.

You gotta question your teaching/grading methods when most of your students are either failing, or barely passing. I still don't remember my final grade, but it wasn't that great.

Seriously, how those kind of teachers get employed in the first place is what I can't understand. My maths teacher back then was a clear example.
Seriously, how those kind of teachers get employed in the first place is what I can't understand. My maths teacher back then was a clear example.

Most of those schools underpay their teachers. So, they can employ anyone just to fill up a role. That is quite bad.