Worst thief ever?


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Hah, the fact he's screamed what he's going to do, but ended up not doing at all, makes it all the more hilarious.
wow, that's possibly the 2nd worst thief i've heard of. 1st goes to the guy who tried to rob a bank with a banana.
Did the other robber mentioned in this topic succeed in his robbery? If so, he's not quite as bad as the one mentioned in the first post.
I also recently heard about this guy who "Wanted" to rob a bank with a PlayStation 3 controller.

He put it in his pocket and said it was a gun.
you know who is the best thief ever?
Popple the Shadow Thief,see
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"I wonder if anyone's watching...." *peeks into store" "This is a robbery! Just let... me... go... and... grab... my... bandana..." *Runs out*

Honestly, there are some silly thieves in this world. Hilarious.

As for the thief with the banana, I suspect he planned to leave the skin at the doorway so he could rob the person that slipped on it.

And the person with the PS3 Controller? "If I push this button a really large rocket-launcher will blow up in your... Oh, wait. I forgot the batteries." *Walks to counter* "Can I have some batteries for my controller please?"
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When I saw all the ceiling falling down, I was hoping that I'd see him fall down shortly after. My wishes were granted. Good gawd that was classic.
When I saw all the ceiling falling down, I was hoping that I'd see him fall down shortly after. My wishes were granted. Good gawd that was classic.

Was hoping Eeeexactly the same when he was going up the ladder... and my wish was granted as well!! :banana:lol he probably sat in that store for hours till someone finally opened the place up

I was watching a few of those on youtube after I saw this one

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Did the other robber mentioned in this topic succeed in his robbery? If so, he's not quite as bad as the one mentioned in the first post.

I don't think he did. this was a couple of years ago, so i can't remember all of it. I gotta find that readers digest....might be a long time.
LOLOLOLOLOL That was Hilarious Lulz

Dude when i saw this on "World's Dumbest" on TV, I lost it. I could not stop laughing. People can be really dumb.

That's where i see most of these too. Like the guy who tried robbing a store with a plastic bag on his head therefore started to suffocate.