Would I be a complete idiot if I was to...

... sit in my bedroom infront of this PC with a T-shirt and shorts on, with all the windows closed, while it's as low as -1 C or 30 F outside and possibly snowing somewhat heavily?

I'm not going to, because I'll put a jumper (sweater, not pinafore) on, so yeah. Anyone else in Britain feeling the wrath of the horribly cold weather?
You'd only be an idiot if you weren't running the heat on high in your house/apartment/condo/bunker.
But I have no heating appliance in my room. I (or we) have one in each of our 2 bathrooms, one of the bedrooms (but not mine), the sitting/living/family room/lounge (the place with sofas, and the TV
), and the kitchen. So um... well if I leave my TV, Wii and PC running, and make my PC do a lot of work, maybe it'll warm the room up (by a degree).
Where do you live? I mean, Britain, yes, but what sort of building? Is there no sort of central heating system, like a furnace?
So THAT'S where our bad weather went...

That was a good comment there Yoshi!

Anyway, Sir Lionofbeef, the BIGGEST mistake that would make you a complete idiot would be to go outside in shirts and shorts in your current conditions, and JUMP INTO THE BIGGEST SNOW BANK YOU COULD FIND if it was snowing.
That was a good comment there Yoshi!

Anyway, Sir Lionofbeef, the BIGGEST mistake that would make you a complete idiot would be to go outside in shirts and shorts in your current conditions, and JUMP INTO THE BIGGEST SNOW BANK YOU COULD FIND if it was snowing.
I can do that and still live. And not get cold.
Geez. 40 degrees here and everyone's complaining "OMG IT'S SO COLD!" Except for me, of course.
40 isn't bad if the sun is out. If it's raining and windy and 40 like it is where I live, then, yes, it can be rather cool.