Would it be cool if you can hook up your cellphone to a TV wirelessly and have a wireless controller


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Yes, I think it be cool. I think it should not be too hard if you hire the right people to invent the cell phone. I heard people being able to use a Wireless network to stream video to their TV or computer. Most bettter Cell phones have bluetooth, so a company can just make a bluetooth game controlller that works with a cell phone.

A more simple aproach whould to just make a Video port that can connect to a TV on a cell phone, and a USB port on the cellphone to plug in a mouse, keyboard or controller.

But, I would not buy it since I don't use a cell phone much and monthly fees for cell phones can be expensive...
this be cool, but then game makers would have to make the game so it would fit on both the cell phone and then on all different sized tv screens.
It can already be done with a PSP 3000. All Standard definition TV run at a resolution of 480i in north america, and I believe most HDTV can adjust to different resolution sizes.

The technology already exists for the PSP 3000 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=URblx66tyQM , but the Video cable connecting to the TV is what makes the PSP TV output kind of lame since it is no longer wireless. It be cool if there was a way to use the dual shock 3 bluetooth controller to control the PSP game.
I do think it would be great, if we could do that.

We don't have to worry about wires getting tangled and such.

I don't remember how many times I have seen people trip over wires and such.
I do think that would be a cool feature, however, the only thing that I would be afraid of is draining the batter on my phone and then I wouldn't be able to make a phone call when I needed it.