Would people who don't own TVs with HDMI more likely play PC Games instead of PS4 and Xbox One?


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Yes, I think people who don't own a TV with HDMI ports may more likely choose to pick PC as their only modern gaming platform because PC is compatible with VGA, DVI, and HDMI monitors depending on what your video card have for video ports, but most $40-100 video cards have VGA and DVI ports found on older monitors. Plus, laptop gamers don't have to worry about video cable and connection types because the screen is built-in to the computer.

With modern game consoles like the PS4, and Xbox One, they'll end up spending an additional $300-600 on a decent size and quality HDTV TV set with HDMI, and large TV also take up a lot of space in their room which they don't have. While with a PC, or laptop, they'll already own a monitor, or it is built-in like laptops and all-in-one pc.

If their video card is not very good, you can buy a better one for $100 which can get you a Nvidia Geforce GTX 650-660 which is good enough to play most modern games. If you play games which are not very demanding, buying a $60 video card like the Nvidia GT 620 would be good enough for many games like World of Warcraft, Star Craft 2, and Warcraft 3 on low-medium settings.

Nearly, all PC made in the last few years have multi-core CPUs, 4GB or more RAM, and a lot of storage space like 500GB-1TB of space which is good enough for playing many games.