Would playing games with Google Stadia make a PC computer run cooler and use less electricity than offline game?


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I think Stadia games can run off of slower devices like a Google Chromecast settop box, and Android smartphone/tablet, so I think running Stadia games on a PC computer will not make a computer run more hot, or use more electricity compared to running games which are physically installed on a PC.

One of the benefits of Google Stadia maybe that it may not use a lot of RAM, CPU and video card power, and hard drive read and write cycles, so your PC won't run as hot and use less electricity than running offline games.
While I can see where you are coming from, you should be aware that you may end up paying more to use Google Stadia than if you use your own computer with decent hardware.

Adding to this, I am finding that newer hardware is using less electricity and generate less heat (as long as you're not interested in 4K gaming).
While I can see where you are coming from, you should be aware that you may end up paying more to use Google Stadia than if you use your own computer with decent hardware.

My uncle is really guilty of doing stuff like this. He’ll look at the fact he’s saving 15 cents a month on his electricity bill as the incentive to get a Stadia, but forgets that him spending $10 a month on Stadia counteracts the money he was trying to save.
I guess it's just streaming so it will be similar to if you were streaming Netflix or Amazon Prime. The problem, of course, comes with the other costs of using Stadia like the monthly cost and having to buy games for it.
I agree Stadia probably wont save most gamers much money. It will probably be more affordable for most gamers to buy games from Steam and other stores during a sale where games sometimes cost a few dollars rather than paying $10 a month to play Stadia games.
I imagine the processor would still be taxed.
I imagine the processor would still be taxed.

The processors will probably be less taxed than running the offline version of some newer games which sometimes need a very powerful CPU and video card and more RAM to play the game in 4K.

I seen videos of people using an Ouya, Nvidia Shield TV, Steam Link streaming box, Playstation Vita TV and other mini-consoles to play streaming games, so I think streaming games use about the same amount of processor as streaming an HD video file from YouTube and Netflix.