Would the internet be not as useful or fun if Yahoo did not exist?


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Yes, I think the internet would be less useful and fun without Yahoo.

I like Yahoo Answers since it can be quite useful, and the questions and replies are sometimes pretty funny to read.

Yahoo's http://www.flickr.com/ and http://news.yahoo.com/ are also pretty useful.

I also still use Yahoo Mail since it has a cool look to it.

Without Yahoo's Geocities, I probably wouldn't be as interested in running websites and forums since it got me started into running websites for fun.

Yahoo Messenger is also the first Instant Messenger I ever used on an Active basis since AOL messenger was bad, and MSN Messenger was not popular back in the late 90s, and ICQ the messenger which used numbers was a dumb idea since it was impossible to remember peoples numbers.
hard to say, something different and better/worse could be in it's place.
Well like ^^^ I use Yahoo Answers occasionaly but other than that Yahoo is completely useless to me. I used Yahoo email but now I use Gmail but like DS said there could be something worse but I don't think Yahoo is all that special, just my opinion!
I think if there was no competition from Yahoo. A lot of other chat programs, search engines and web mail providers won't be as good since everyone needs a competitor to beat.