Would there be more touchscreens then keyboard and mouse input devices for PC?


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Yes, I think there would be more devices with touchscreens then keyboard and mouse because smartphones/cellphone, tablets, ereaders, Hand held game console like Vita, DS, 3DS, Wii U, MP3 Video players, ATMs, and a bunch of other electronics now have touchscreens built-in to them while a keyboard and mouse is just used on PCs, laptop, and a few cell phones like Blackberry.
Most likely, but I always want a mouse and keyboard.
Same for me I want a keyboard and mouse on my PC unless someone invents a camera which can read my lips as I wisper words to the PC or my mind, so I don't have to use my hands to type or click on links with my fingers, and can just sit in front of my PC and move my lips and use my mind to control my computer like Magneto, Jane or Dr. Xavier from X-men which can control things with their minds with mind powers.
Lol hardcore PC gamers NEED keyboard & mouse. It's just unevitable that they will stay until we invent mind controlled games.
I prefer having buttons. Mice are pretty nice too, I have a hard time using the touchpads on most laptops.

As far as gaming goes, I usually prefer using a controller really. Luckily the 360 controller has a lot of support with PC games, but it's kinda annoying how older games don't support gamepads too well. I love San Andreas on the PC, but it's such a pain getting it to work with a controller that I'm forced to stick with the mouse and keyboard.

There's definitely a market for touch-based devices, but as long as there's people into traditional computer using, I'm sure the stuff we're all used to will be around.

Is anyone familiar with mechanical keyboards? It's a niche market of expensive keyboards that are built a specific way for people who really love keyboards. In fact, some issues with them are that they last too long so the people that make them tend not to make too much money off of them. I think if things like that can exist, then keyboards and mice aren't going away.