Would you buy a keyboard case for a Smartphone which does not have a physical keyboard?


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Yes, I would buy a physical keyboard case for a Smartphone without a physical keyboard if the case was fairly price, and work well, and I plan on texting and typing a lot on the phone.

But, I probably just buy a phone with a built-in keyboard unless the phone I want does not have a keyboard.

I most likely prefer a slide out keyboard phone since I don't really like those keyboard phones which uses up half of the phone for the keyboard, and the keyboard is protected when it is slide back in.

A keyboard case might be good if someone gave you their old phone which did not have a keyboard, and you want one, but can't afford a whole new phone with a keyboard, but you can afford a keyboard case for the phone someone gave you, or your phone you want like Samsung Galaxy S3, Note ll, or iPhone 5 does not have a keyboard, but you need one.

I heard people with Blackberries which have keyboards are switching to iPhone, Windows Phone, and Android phones which don't have keyboards usually, so I think the Keyboard case might be useful for former blackberry users who are too used to the keyboard.