Would you buy a playstation to play the games they offer?


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I really enjoyed the new trailer for God of War but as the other games in the franchise it is only available for PS4.As more good games only support PS4,would you get one if you had spare money? Even if we have emulators available,they do not feel the same in my opinion.
Actually I might be one of those people who would buy a console because of few games that I want to play. That's why I bought a PS3 last year, so that I could play Red Dead Redemption. As for PS4, God of War does seem like a reason that I might snag the console at some point. Have to finish the trilogy on PS3 first, though :D

By the way, is Infamous Second Son any good?
Actually I might be one of those people who would buy a console because of few games that I want to play. That's why I bought a PS3 last year, so that I could play Red Dead Redemption. As for PS4, God of War does seem like a reason that I might snag the console at some point. Have to finish the trilogy on PS3 first, though :D

By the way, is Infamous Second Son any good?

I watched full gameplay of it.I like the game because of the superpowers and the open world gameplay.It felt like Prototype ,with the powers and the open world,altough the story is better in my opinion.But for the price I think there are better choices
I watched full gameplay of it.I like the game because of the superpowers and the open world gameplay.It felt like Prototype ,with the powers and the open world,altough the story is better in my opinion.But for the price I think there are better choices
I watched a few gameplay videos of Infamous Second Son when it was just released. I did like the powers, but I still don't know what to make of it. I couldn't get into Infamous (the first game in the series) and for me Prototype seemed as a better game. Anyway, if the story is indeed good, then I will place it on my wishlist for future reference :)
I watched a few gameplay videos of Infamous Second Son when it was just released. I did like the powers, but I still don't know what to make of it. I couldn't get into Infamous (the first game in the series) and for me Prototype seemed as a better game. Anyway, if the story is indeed good, then I will place it on my wishlist for future reference :)

It isn't something really spectacular,but it is ok.It is more about the gameplay,it feels smooth and really enjoyable.I agree with you on the Prototype part
There is nothing on the PS4 that makes me desperately want the system. Honestly, if I wanted to play something that I couldn't get on a Nintendo console, I would most likely just invest in a gaming PC. None of the first party offerings from Sony jump out to me especially now that the Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts games are available on other platforms.
I would definitely buy a console just so I could play a specific game. In reality, while you might buy it for that one game, there's likely to be other games that you want to play on that console in the future so I consider it more of an investment.
Even if I wasn't a Sony fan, I still get PS4 for its great games.
Yeah I'd get a PS4 for sure. I'm a fan of GoW but I've only played the ones on the PSP and the older ones on emulators and on other people's PS2s. Apart from GoW I've see a lot of gameplay from the Last of Us and Uncharted and both of them look amazing. So I will definitely try to get the PS4 or the next playstation device at some point.
I'd buy a specific console just to play one game if it was a game I was desperate to play, I have no problem with that.

In the past I know people that have said they wouldn't but for me that's just cutting your nose off to spite your face, and it means your missing out on something you want, just because your to stubborn to admit a device is worth buying.

The days of staying loyal to one platform only is in the past, and now many people will play across all the different platforms, and won't just stick to one.
The PlayStation exclusives are definitely the best reason to buy the console. There are great exclusive AAA games like Uncharted, Infamous, Bloodborne and a lot of others coming/already released. If you were on the fence about choosing a console and mainly looking at the exclusives for each, most/all(?) the Xbox exclusives will be available on PC through Microsoft's Play Anywhere system.
Yeah I'd get a PS4 for sure. I'm a fan of GoW but I've only played the ones on the PSP and the older ones on emulators and on other people's PS2s. Apart from GoW I've see a lot of gameplay from the Last of Us and Uncharted and both of them look amazing. So I will definitely try to get the PS4 or the next playstation device at some point.

I will consider to get myself one at some point,the games look really good and I mostly heard positive things about them
I haven't felt the need for a playstation 4 in the past and probably won't feel the need to go for it in the near future. However, I do acknowledge the fact that there are some great games out there for the PS4, yet I don't plan on buying one, mostly because of me being content and satisfied with a computer. All the games I wanted to play are supported not only for PS4, but also for PC.
I know this may make me sound like a PC Elitist, but no, I would not. Consoles are quite overpriced. I'm also not interested in playing video games on a console. Even if my favorite game, LoL, became a console exclusive, I am 99% sure I would still stick with PC.
I really enjoyed the new trailer for God of War but as the other games in the franchise it is only available for PS4.As more good games only support PS4,would you get one if you had spare money? Even if we have emulators available,they do not feel the same in my opinion.

That is exactly why I always end up with playstation systems. Something always happens to my xbox and then when I go to buy a newer version of xbox I always notice a game that I can only play exclusively with playstation and then I end up with a PS3 instead of a 360. smh
I think everyone should have a reason to upgrade and if you are really a fan of that title then it should be enough reason to get the console. That's usually all it took for me to get a gaming system from the golden era of gaming when sonic and mario was in its prime. For me Crash Bandicoot was the selling point for my PS One and it was the best decision I ever made cause till this day I feel like that was the best system of all time. But that's obviously just the opinion of one person!