Would you buy an SSD (Solid State Drive) storage drive for your computer?


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No, mainly because SSD drives are out of my price range of 100 dollars or less, and I can buy a regular hard drive for 100 dollars which has 1000-1500 GigaBytes of space.

I am also willing to wait an extra few seconds for a file to load on my PC, but save hundreds of dollars by just using a regular hard drive for storage.
I'll stick with HDD till someone says it's behind in the ages.
I probably still be using hard drive when people say it is behind in the ages as long as my hard drive is fast enough for running a web browser, operating system, a few games, and other programs I use.

I keep on using my HDD since HDD are the cheapest form of file storage and last for many years. I still have hard drives from 2002 and older which still work after 10+ years, and I back up my files to USB external hard drives, the internet, CDs, and DVDs, so losing files is not that big of a problem since I backed them up to other drives. I can also re-download most of my videos, programs, etc if I want to.

I probably stop using hard drives when companies stop making them like floppies, or when SSD which are the same size cost about the same as a SSD.

It took me years till I bought my first USB flash drive because burnable CDs, Floppy drives, and E-mail was good enough at moving files, and I had plenty of old CDs and floppy disks laying around in the late 90s and early 2000s, so I might as well use them. I didn't buy my first USB flash drive till 2008 because they cost 30 dollars for 1GB of space back in the early 200s.